合氣道,是由日本 植芝盛平先生融合日本多種古武術後所創立,其最大的特色除了是保有日本古武術的技術與技巧外,更強調武士道的精神涵養。再經由第二代道祖 植芝吉祥丸先生,將課程有系統地整理及對道館進行組織化的推展下,目前全世界中,已有一百多個國家,至少幾百萬的合氣道學習者在修練著。
六大核心力量:一教運動/划船運動/Kokyu hou/Tenkan Ho/Irime Tenkan/Sumiotoshi
Core theory : conform nature, integration of nature and human
Martial arts theory : kill but not kill ( The embodiment of love and tolerance)
Technical Core : Movement of the Body and Flow of Qi
(One is for external action performance, the other is for internal energy flow)
Three stages : Strengthen yourself, let go of yourself, forget your opponent
Four levels : Hard, soft, flow, blank
What is Aikido training?
The Tori is to seize. The Uke is to accept. The purpose of Aikido Uke training which includes Uke body offensive and defensive response is to become an absolute Tori. However, only when the Tori and Uke are balanced, we can call it Aikido.
What is Aikido?
Aikido is a world without enemies. Through the practice of Aikido, what we pursue is coexistence with heaven and earth. While I am dancing, heaven and earth are dancing with me. (Consistent with the core theory of Aikido, I am the universe, the universe is me, and the unity of human and nature)
What the Tori is practicing : control center and center of gravity (which is suppression and
extension, extension is from the spine to the head)
What the Uke is practicing : following, connecting, and looking for opportunities to fight
back. (The training of body strength and flexibility is based on the Ukemi skills)
Ukemi technical focus:Stabilize while being unstable / Relieve pressure while being
controlled / Maintain connection to opponent while moving.
Training focus: rationality of offense and defense / effectiveness and stability of energy
transfer / clear who is the Tori and who is the Uke. The technique operates because both sides control or balance each other. If one side loses control, the other side can attack directly, the follow-up technique does not have to be continued.
The purpose of Aikido is to promote the peace of human beings. Therefore, respect and care for opponents during practice. At the same time, the spirit and concepts learned in Aikido are extended to life, so that Aikido can be integrated into people’s lives. This is an Aikido practitioner.